Creating TALENT for the valorisation of agricultural BY-PRODUCTS
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Background the importance of agro by-products in the new economies and priorities at European level.
Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 is the greatest challenge of our times for the EU. In this framework, the bio-based industry plays a crucial role, with special focus on the bioeconomy in the agri-food sector.
EU relies as well as a specific R&D agenda related to Bio-based products. This agenda concludes that a shift to biological raw materials and biological processing methods could save up to 2.5 billion tons of CO2 equivalents per year by 2030, increasing markets for bio-based raw materials and new consumer products where the private sector is moving towards a more sustainable industry in Europe.
On the other hand, the Circularity Gap Report 2021 demonstrates how vocational education and training (VET) is a key mechanism to ensure a skilled workforce that can drive the circular economy transition.
Within this context and with the aim of responding to the challenges outlined above, the Byp4Dev project has been conceived.The project follows a methodology based in Service Design (SD) processes. SD is a process where the user is situated in the centre of the service, and the user experience is analyzing as a whole.
With this methodology, the intangibles assets play an important role in the interaction users-provider. This process is composed by 5 steps: Empathize, Define, Idea, Prototyped and Testing. Besides the use of SD process in the design of the project, SD tools will be included in the training materials how techniques to design new and innovative tourism products for silver target.
This project presents 5 Results, which have been designed based on the design thinking double diamond methodology. This double diamond methodology uses converging and diverging mindsets, playing with creative and focus steps. A parallel process will also be carried out to elaborate the Byp4Dev «blueprint», using a multi-actor approach methodology for guiding this process.

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.
It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also:
- supports the European Pillar of Social Rights
- implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
- develops the European dimension in sport
The Byp4Dev Project is framed within the Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training action, that enables participating organisations to gain experience in international cooperation and to strengthen their capacities, but also to produce high-quality innovative deliverables.
The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.