Byp4Dev Transnational Project Meeting
On the 21st and 22nd of September, the first face to face transnational meeting of ByP4Dev project took place in Badajoz. The meeting was hosted by our Lead Partner, FUNDECYT-PCTEx, and partners from HAMK, VIDZEME and INOVCLUSTER attended presentially the meeting, meanwhile EXELIA participated online.
During the meeting, partners shared their progress in the activities carried out in the context of the Methodological Framework and Guidelines, as well as the barriers encountered when contacting regional stakeholders in order to identify knowledge and skills needed by a professional working in by-products and wastes valorisation in agri-food sector.
With the preliminary information obtained in this first stage of research, the partners discussed about the training content to be developed, as well as the technological solution to make this training available to final users. Finally, partners analysed the methodology for the Blueprint development.
Furthermore, partners had the opportunity to visit the recently opened premises of the High Technology Incubator, very related to project topics, as it is specializing in Bioeconomy and Circular Economy. Partners could know the facilities, laboratories and the pre-industrial pilot plant, designed to support technology-based business projects aimed at generating high value-added products and processes.