Byp4Dev Transnational Project Meeting – 4 Athens
Last March, 15th took place in Athens the fourth transnational meeting of ByP4Dev project, organised by our Greek partner EXELIA.
One important part of the meeting was dedicated to the review of the intermediate report submitted to the Erasmus+ Spanish National Agency – SEPIE, with the main activities carried out during the first part of the project and main results obtained during this period.
One of these results was the elaboration of the expert profile in by-products and wastes valorisation in the agri-food sector, using the ECVET Model. Our colleague María Gracia from FUNDECYT-PCTEX described this expert profile which will the starting point to develop the training material.
This ECVET model contains the necessary knowledge, competences and skills to begin a transition process of agro-industry sector and for the valorisation of by-products and the obtention of high added value biocompounds.
More info: link.
Besides, the ECVET model includes the modules and units to develop in this expert profile as well as the number of hours of each unit, and the evaluation process.
Mrs Maarit Voimanen from HAMK showed us the structure and one example of the modules and training units to be developed during the next months.
These modules, to be developed by all partners, will compose the pilot training course: “A training Course in expert in by-products and wastes valorisation in agri-food sector”. A pilot training course that will be tested by different students from the participant regions and other European regions outside the project consortium
This pilot training course will be tested in an online training platform managed by Exelia. During this meeting, different creative and innovative education tools were analysed in order to include it during the learning process with the aim to facilitate the knowledge, capabilities and skills acquisition of the future training course participants.
The last part of the meeting planned the next steps to be done by the rest of partners, and we will share the need to disseminate the project and its communication tools to reach most target public possible.
Once all activities related to the project management were discussed, the consortium agreed to meet again in Cêsis (Latvia) the next June, 2023.