ByP4Dev Transnational Project Meeting – Hämeenlinnahe
On the 7th February 2024 the projects’ ByP4Dev partners met in Hämeenlinna (Finland) to participate in the seventh Transnational Meeting and Final Event. During the first part of the event were presented the main results of the online Pilot Training: 264 participants, the total number of participants per countries, or the results of the evaluation questionnaire. The feedback of this evaluation questionnaire is and will be very important for the continuous improvement of the profile and the training course itself. It can be concluded that it has been a success activity that has reported great figures to the project. A final version of the Blueprint and Policy Recommendations Guide was also facilitated with the commitment of disseminating it around our regional stakeholders and key policy makers while asking them for feedback. This guide is structured in three main pillars (Awareness Creation, Training and Legal Framework) and also gathers the different activities aimed at different actors with the objective of promoting the sector in the short, medium or long term.

We also used this meeting to revise the different sections of the Final Justification Report, reminding financial and technical feedback to be received by partners. The second part of this meeting was dedicated to the Final Event of the Byp4Dev Project. Our local partner organised a workshop implemented together with HAMK Freezing Week 2024. Students and teachers worked around the idea of making learning materials with AI – Case of Circular Economy (ByP4Dev).