Byp4Dev Transnational Project Meeting – VM3
Last September, 22nd took place the third transnational meeting of ByP4Dev project. The meeting was managed via online and was attended by all the partners.
The first part of the meeting is dedicated to the review of the «To-Do» List from the last meeting, and subsequently, FUNDECYT-PCTEx revised the state of the art of all activities which compose the project result 1 (stakeholders map, surveys and focus groups), sharing with all partners this first project result: Methodological Guidelines and Framework.
After the PR1 description, María Gracia reminded the ECVET Model concept (PR2), sharing with the rest of partners the structure of this document and its development process.
Regarding the development of training material development, Tuija Pirttijärvi from HAMK presented the structure of the training materials to be developed, the common structure that should follow the units of the training materials and a first approach of topics to be addressed in each training module.
Other interesting issues tackled during the transnational project meeting were the following:
Project e-leaflet: link
Newsletter 1: link
A glossary related concepts included in the website: link
Once all activities related to the project management were discussed, the consortium agreed to meet again in Athens the next march 2023.